Then off to the Dordogne to view troglodyte homes in rock hillsides, scenic vistas, rustic villages, and medieval architecture as well as living the good life in France.
Category Archives: Travels
Des Chateaux en Plus
I explored the different and various chateaux in the Haut Medoc, and include their pictures in case you wish to make a visit to the area.
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
Chateau Mouton Rothschild has extensive vineyards that go 8 feet deep into the ground which makes them very hardy. In addition, there is a museum with valuable and beautiful art objects as well as the wine labels over the years, created by artists such as Picasso.
Bordeaux and the Haut Medoc
Then, down to Bordeaux and the Haut Medoc where the Premier Cru vineyards are located. While staying in the small village of Margaux, I had a chance to explore the countryside. I participated in wine tasting events at the Chateau Margaux, Chateau Mouton Rothschild, and Ormes de Pez north of Pauillac.
Vondel Park Neighborhood
This time I stayed in the Museum Quarter in Amsterdam, close to the van Gogh museum, the Rijksmuseum, and the various interesting museums in the quartier. The large Vondel Park in Amsterdam is close by as well as the Sotheby’s office.
St Laurenskerk in Rotterdam
Another visit to the St Laurenskerk in Rotterdam where my ancestor, Johan van Brakel, is buried with a large monument and headstone. A meeting with Frank Migchielsen, directeur of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam, resulted in better pictures and more information about my ancestor and the Church itself. I made a donation to the Childrens’ programs of the Church.
Grandfather van Gerve’s apartments on Stuyvesantstraat by the Canal Kostverlorenvaart
My Grandfather van Gerve’s apartment buildings in Amsterdam have been renovated and look great! The brick façades have been cleaned, resulting in a brighter look to the buildings and the neighborhood. The apartment buildings on Stuyvesanstraat by the Canal Kostverlorenvaart form a great working class neighborhood, south of the busy Kinkerstraat filled with many shops and restaurants.
Experience good food, a dab of history, and some great architecture…
Are you into wines? …of any kind? The environs of Bordeaux can offer you every wine for your palate…along with good food, a dab of history, and some great architecture!
Ever Thought of Experiencing Bordeaux Vineyards?
Check out this article about Bordeaux vineyards…great places to enjoy the ambiance and taste some great wine!

Beach Vacation on the Horizon?
Is a beach vacation in the cards for you and your family this year?